Thanks for submitting your application

Thank you for submitting your application to join our New Guide Training (NGT) for 2024. A member of the NGT Committee will reach out to you later this year to start the interview process.

Briefly, interviews via Zoom will take place in early January 2024 (you’ll be asked to schedule your slot in December). Those invited to join the Class of 2024 will begin training in late-February, running through early-June. Assume all sessions will run 10am-4pm. Specific Saturday dates to hold open are: Feb 24, Mar 09 & 23, Apr 06 & 20, May 04 & 18, Jun 01.

Learning your specific tour then takes place Summer 2024. Hopefully you will debut as a Guide in the Summer or early-Fall of 2024.

Thanks again for your interest, and we’ll be in touch!