Tenderloin Part I

Neighborhood: Tenderloin


The Tenderloin began as St. Ann’s Valley, a quaint village in the sand dunes that grew into a middle- and upper-class neighborhood filled with single family homes, churches, and schools sprinkled with the mansions of the very-rich.

By the 1890s, the east half had transformed, becoming a hotel, entertainment and vice district that drew fun-seekers by the truckload. You could fill volumes with the stories of the Tenderloin including famous madams, and a whole lot of gambling. Hear about the wild exploits of past Tenderloin and the work being done to move it into the future. It’s an experience you won’t soon forget.

Next Tours

    None scheduled in next 60 days


    Tour Length: Approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours

    This tour covers the “Uptown Tenderloin” and we travel up Powell Street, to Geary, and make our way back down Mason.

    This tour is offered in Spring and Fall


    Meet at Powell & Market Streets

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    Please note: Private group tours required for groups of 8 or more.